Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bangkokbitch now links

I have decided to put up a few links in the different categories of "information - thailand", "information - world", "gay blogs", "other blogs", "fashion blogs", "food blogs" and "entertainment".

In putting put these links, I have decided to expand the site a bit, away from a site for gay adventures or ramblings and to a more integrative site about interesting and a little bit smarter stories. A lot of people (well, some at least) seem to read my blog and through it, find out a bit about life in Thailand. Well, the links should make it a bit easier for you to find out more about the world and Thailand, Thai news, the Thai language and the Thai cuisine.

I shall aim to put up more links especially in regards to Thailand. In the meantime, feel free to click through the links and enjoy:)


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the great blog content!

I'm running your rss feed in my reader here:

Any chance of getting a backlink?

I'm also running a dynamic backlinks in the "top referrers" block, so when you link, you'll automatically be included there as soon as a few people click through your link.



Paisid said...

thanks for the link! been thinking about revamping my links--will definitely include yours.

Asia in Australia said...

hey bob. thank you for your compliments! yes I can backlink.